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Interview Philipp Hauptmann

Philipp Hauptmann, Software developer, Development 

Philipp Hauptmann

Please briefly outline your professional career.

I'm a physicist who always wanted to do "everything but software development" until the day I had to do software development as part of my student research projects, and I took a liking to it.

What do you appreciate most about your work?

Since I came to the company for  a career change and not as an expert, I have enjoyed  the opportunities for personal development that MBBM-VAS offers. In addition, I handle a wide range of different, often self-chosen tasks where I can complement my own experience individually. In my 1.5 years at MBBM-VAS, I have been able to help shape backend and architecture topics in C++ and C# and frontend topics with Qt, iOS® and Angular. Since our software concept has also changed dramatically in recent years, there are some new developments that allow new technologies and support creative work.

What distinguishes your work at MBBM-VAS and what makes it unique?

The range of different tasks and the independent handling of topic selection and working time management.

Which skills do you consider particularly important in your work?

The enjoyment of programming, but also the creativity and interest in implementing something as a team. 

What do you like to do outside of work?

Besides my work, I am a passionate role-player and have been running a podcast on this topic for many years. I also dance regularly and give dance lessons. All this is still well compatible with my work.