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In the development of electric vehicles, new vibroacoustic phenomena come to the fore due to the elimination of the combustion engine as the dominant noise source. At the same time, operational noises from electrically driven additional components as well as auxiliary units, control modules and operating elements become audible with less exterior noise.

Excitation by electric engines takes place at higher frequencies. This requires an early acoustic and vibration evaluation for an accurate targeting of the components as well as new measurement positions or approaches for recording the rotational speed.


By default, PAK captures high-resolution currents, voltages and rotational speeds as well as all NVH sensor-related signals. It also supports resolver sensor technology. The relevant signals from digital buses (CAN, CAN FD, FlexRay™ or EtherCAT(R)) are acquired synchronously in time. PAK MKII and MicroQ frontends can be used in EMI-loaded environments.

With a powerful toolbox for the evaluation of E-machine-specific signals, PAK 6.x offers the tools for the further development of e-mobility in addition to the extensive standard functions in the acquisition and analysis of physical data. Correlations of electrical quantities and NVH quantities are thus possible.

Standard analyses

  • Blocked Analyses (FFT, CPS, APS)
  • Orders (Order-FFT, Kalman)
  • 3rd Octave filter
  • Angle-related Analyses
  • Rotational and torsional vibration
  • Statistics in the time range
  • Dynamic Balancing
  • Analysis of PWM signals

Toolbox for E-Mobility

The focus of our E-NVH toolbox is the investigation of orders and orders shifted by pulse width modulation. These can be viewed individually or summed up. Thereby methods of the classical FFT analysis and also the more precise digital order tracking are supported. Of interest is the energy content in the order, which occurs in electric machines at higher frequencies. It is crucial for the analysis of PWM orders to map and extract the exact course of the carrier frequency.

In PAK 6.x, the carrier frequency curve can be applied directly in the measurement - interactively or automatically. Order cursors, order fans, order extraction, energetic summation of orders, virtual channels, arithmetic are only some of the integrated tools. All common analyses in the time and order domain are supported. The signals can be viewed interactively in graphic streaming and the analysis can be refined successively.


  • Order Campbell diagram with frequency offset
  • Single orders with frequency offset
  • Overall with frequency offset


  • Individual indices, e.g. conciseness of orders


  • Comparison of force to structural modes for operational measurements and synthetic excitation

Together with Fraunhofer-Institute IWU, Dresden, we provide a dedicated seminar focussing on the acoustics of electric drives. It imparts a broad, interdisciplinary knowledge and shows different approaches to address acoustic phenomena.


Modules for further Engineering

PAK 6.x features a bunch of tools to solve NVH tasks in electric mobility using various approaches. In this way, structural analyses, psychoacoustic investigations and sound design can be seamlessly combined in a proven environment.

Outstanding strengths of the system are the available TPA methods. Classical TPA and component-based TPA methods can be used in an early phase of development to achieve structure-borne sound. Hybrid models from simulation and measurement can be combined. Furthermore, engineers successfully apply Operational Transfer Path Analysis (OTPA) in the field of e-mobility. With OTPA, you can determine the contributions of the individual components in the vehicle based on operational measurements.

This allows you to quantify aerodynamic and mechanical noise from secondary sources, such as steering, cooling and air conditioning. In addition to the NVH analyses, you can also record and analyze occurring electromagnetic fields.


e-NVH - Investigating the correlations between e-power & NVH
Télécharger (pdf, 5 Mo)