Our network
Decades of successful cooperation lead to a multitude of valuable contacts. Quality, motivation and competence get recognition in existing memberships. The continuous improvement of standards is one result. We are active in various committees and organizations.
ASAM provides standard data formats for a variety of applications, including measurement and analysis. Müller-BBM is one of the founding members.
The German Society for Acoustics e.V. (DEGA) has set itself the goal of serving acoustics, bringing its members and all those interested in acoustics closer together, representing their interests in public and promoting international exchange.
The Engineering Integrity Society (E.I.S.) is a non-profit organization focused on simplification and sustainability in the areas of testing, fatigue and durability. There are 3 groups active in the EIS:
The Eclipse Foundation is an open source community dedicated to advancing the creation, development, promotion, and support of the Eclipse platform. This includes creating an IT landscape of complementary products, capabilities and services. Eclipse technology is a vendor-neutral, open development platform that provides frameworks and extensible sample tools.
EtherCAT is an open real-time Ethernet network that sets new standards in real-time application and flexibility for different technologies. The EtherCAT Technology Group opens EtherCAT technology to all potential users.
openMDM® is an open-source software for the management of stored measurement data. It is easily and freely configurable and expandable. Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme is one of the driver members of the openMDM® Working Group.
The Society for Environmental Simulation (GUS) is a non-profit organization for persons, institutions and companies in the field of environmental simulation. The GUS promotes the development of environmental simulation and arranges contacts to environmental laboratories as well as between users and manufacturers of environmental simulation equipment and the associated measurement technology.
The French Society of Automotive Engineers (SIA) brings together all the specialists and enthusiasts of the automotive industry and its technologies: Car and Component Manufacturers, Engineering consultancies, Start-ups, SME-SMI, Precompetitive R&D clusters, Universities and Research Centers. The SIA's goal is to encourage the sharing of knowledge between engineers, managers and technicians of French or French-based companies and major groups, to build the mobility of the future.
Since 1967 the French Association for advances in environmental science and technology aims to promote the dissemination of knowledges, processes and realizations concerning the engineering, the measure and the simulation of all environmental agents and testing. Its means of action consist in spreading widely information, participating to the progress of sciences and technics, supporting the evolution of standardization in its field of competence, and organizing specific training sessions for engineers and technicians in charge of implementing new types of tests.